Fairy Godmother Daily
A New Awakening is upon us. I see a clear path to the collective creation of the world of OUR dreams, where winning means EVERYONE wins. I help you connect with your place and work in support of this vision.
The Fairy Godmother Daily offers practices and perspectives, prayers and pep talks to connect you with grounded optimism and alignment so you can access your power, joy, freedom, and responsibility to cocreate the conditions of thriving for yourself and everyone around you.
Rosa Carson is a Fairy Godmother and spiritual teacher helping you live your best life by contributing to collective liberation and world peace.
49 episodes
What We Can Do in These Dark Times
Grounding ourselves again in this moment as a call to heal, connect, and dream, so we can do our parts to bring in the world of our dreams, where winning means EVERYONE wins.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayF...
We Are All One Living Unfolding
Reflections on our oneness with all things and why it's easy for us to forget. An invitation into practicing asking "What do I have in common with this person?" on the regular to cultivate awareness of that connectedness.Intro and Outro...
Season 2
Episode 11
Becoming the People We Need to Be
In an intuitively channeled episode, I explore how our current conditions are turning us into the people we need to be to create the world of our dreams. Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3...
Develop a Love Practice
This episode offers context for why a love practice is valuable, and several possible practices to explore for yourself to practice loving on purpose.I reference two books in this episode:
The Repair is Worth the Rupture
A friend asked for some expansion on the idea I mentioned in Episode 4 about the repair being worth the rupture. This is that expansion! Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practic...
A peek behind the Fairy Godmother curtain: process and style choices
The episode offers a little exploratory insight into my creative process and style choices with the Fairy Godmother Daily.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and pow...
The Earth is a Love Note
A meditation on the beauty and wonder of existence and our place in it.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechnique.com/3practices
Awe & Wonder, or: what the heck are we doing here?
What is my evidence that the universe loves us? Awe, wonder, amazement. Come along as I share my spiritual origin story and some of what it offers us as we make way for the world of our dreams.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan fr...
Gratitude and Grief on the way to the world of our dreams
An exploration of the complexities of grief and gratitude as we make way for the world of our dreams. An invitation into practicing both grief and gratitude on purpose.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree do...
Allow yourself to receive the full goodness of your coping mechanisms
We often shame ourselves for our experiences and coping strategies, which reinforces our need for them. I explore an example from my life and offer a reorientation to support you in more fully receiving the goodness in your life.Intro a...
Kindness: a basic practice for the world of our dreams
Kindness is a basic practice for calling in and creating the world of our dreams, and it has the benefit of making a kinder world every time we engage in it. In this episode, I offer some distinction between being kind and being nice, and invit...
Happy new year and welcome to Season 2!
Happy new year and welcome to Season 2 of Fairy Godmother Daily! I'll be sharing practices and perspectives in support of the world of our dreams, where everyone has what they need to thrive.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from...
Season 2
Episode 1
Reflections at the end of the year
Before taking a couple weeks off for the holidays, I share some reflections and celebrations, and invite you to set an intention to be open to changing yourself in the new year.I'd love to hear your intentions! Text me at the link above...
Season 1
Episode 37
The Winding Path of Intuition
We continue the conversation about intuition: how it works, how to cultivate it, and why its path is so winding.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https:...
Season 1
Episode 36
Intuition and Confirmation Bias (Q&A)
Responding to a friend's question about confirmation bias and intuition, I offer a reframe on confirmation bias and the notion of "objective" reality to empower a more purposeful and magical way of orienting to life.I refer to
Season 1
Episode 35
Intuition and Unconscious Bias (Q&A)
Responding to a friend's query about how to tell the difference between intuition and unconscious bias.In this episode, I mention my foundational program Befriend Your Body as a p...
Season 1
Episode 34
We have everything we need to bring in the world of our dreams
We can start right where we are in bringing in the world of our dreams, where winning means EVERYONE wins, by investing in relationship repair in small ways, building the muscle to be able to show up for bigger, deeper repairs over time.
Season 1
Episode 33
Let's dream together
I share details from the world of my dreams and invite you to develop a dreaming practice. EVERYTHING that humans have created started out from imagination and dreaming, and you never know what might be possible. Free yourself to dream beyond w...
Season 1
Episode 32
It's a Trap! Perfectionism, that is
Perfectionism: How it blocks us and what we can begin to do about it to cultivate greater creativity, freedom, and connection, so we can create the world where everyone gets to experience the conditions of thriving.Intro and Outro music...
Intuition: What it is, why it’s necessary and powerful in this global moment, and how to cultivate it. Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://ww...
Season 1
Episode 30
Why the world of our dreams is inevitable (part 3)
This episode wraps up our exploration of how the metaphor of human towers echoes patterns in our current global crises and our inner lives, and how those patterns offer hopeful insights for the inevitability of us collectively bringing forth a ...
Why the world of our dreams is inevitable (part 2)
This episode dives into a more spiritual and energetic exploration of the dynamics of castells and what that tells us about our current structures of power, as well as dynamics in ourselves, why their fall is inevitable, and what we can do righ...
Season 1
Episode 28
Why the world of our dreams is inevitable (part 1)
Using Catalonian Castells as a metaphor for current systems of structural power, I explore how simply removing our energy can have a transformative effect on these systems.Links about Castells:https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/human-towe...
Season 1
Episode 27
Your Special Sauce is Just What We need
What's your role in the revolution toward the world where everyone experiences the conditions of thriving? It's bringing the contribution that lights you up!In this episode we explore the cost of bullshit jobs, individually and collecti...
Season 1
Episode 26
Reclaim Your Attention [Personal Power series part 4]
Your attention is one of your most precious resources, so learning to use it intentionally is essential to bringing for the world of our dreams.In this episode, I talk about why and how to use your attention to serve your values. <...
Season 1
Episode 24