Fairy Godmother Daily
A New Awakening is upon us. I see a clear path to the collective creation of the world of OUR dreams, where winning means EVERYONE wins. I help you connect with your place and work in support of this vision.
The Fairy Godmother Daily offers practices and perspectives, prayers and pep talks to connect you with grounded optimism and alignment so you can access your power, joy, freedom, and responsibility to cocreate the conditions of thriving for yourself and everyone around you.
Rosa Carson is a Fairy Godmother and spiritual teacher helping you live your best life by contributing to collective liberation and world peace.
80 episodes
Supportive Beliefs for the World of Our Dreams
We explore some beliefs that can support us in moving through uncertainty towards the world of our dreams.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.t...

Meeting the Unknown
How do we meet the unknown? With love, creativity, connection, just like our ancient ancestors.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechn...

Rupture and Repair Redux
We return to the theme of rupture and repair to explore where this pattern emerges and insight it offers this moment.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: ht...

Focus on What You Want
Your attention is a precious resource. Put it on what you want, not on what you don't.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechnique.com/...

Changing Perspective
Changing our perspective can change everything.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechnique.com/3practices

What's Your Part in the World of Our Dreams?
Wondering what's your part in the world of our dreams? In this episode, I share the practices that will reveal the answer to you.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace a...
Season 2
Episode 38

Three Biases and How to Work with Them for Personal Power and Freedom
Three biases that get in our way in these times of chaos:Preference for familiarityPreference for what we preferBias toward thinking if we don't know it, it doesn't existAnd how to work with each of them for personal power an...
Season 2
Episode 37

Practice: Healing a Piece of Divide and Conquer that lives in you
We all contain patterns of divide and conquer in ourselves, and that's part of how we've come to this point. Today's episode is a practice to get in touch with and heal and aspect of this.I refer to the book
Season 2
Episode 36

Collective Thriving IS Individual Thriving
Individual solutions take us in unsustainable directions. Connect your individual experience with collective thriving as part of the healing process. In this episode, I mention
Season 2
Episode 35

Allowing Ourselves to Change
Change can be uncomfortable, but it's required for us to bring in the world of our dreams. We imagine some aspects of the world of our dreams, explore the truth of "nothing is all good or all bad", and practices to support us in allowing oursel...
Season 2
Episode 34

Social Conditioning is Gaslighting
Social conditioning is gaslighting, at least in our current dominant paradigm. Tune into confusion and anger to clear the inner air and reclaim your power.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embo...
Season 2
Episode 33

Taking a Magical Approach to Life
Encouragement to take a magical approach to life: reasons in support, and some suggestions for how to begin.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www...
Season 2
Episode 32

What's Your Part?
It's easy to point fingers at other people and groups for our problems, but we all have a part in creating the current problem. The good news about this is that we all have the ability to make a meaningful difference by healing ourselves right ...
Season 2
Episode 31

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows
Become a more skillful and discerning captain of your attention and see what happens.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechnique.com/3...
Season 2
Episode 30

Learning to Turn Toward the Unknown
Our minds are terrified of the unknown, but these times are calling us into moving in new ways.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechn...
Season 2
Episode 29

Humming for Healing
An exploration of the simple embodied practice of humming and how it can help us heal and reconnect.h/t to Resmaa Menakem, author of
Season 2
Episode 28

What Performativity Can Look Like (and how good intentions can go wrong)
Following up on yesterday's exploration, I share examples of lessons I've learned about how moving from an unhealed place leads to performativity rather than solidarity.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree do...
Season 2
Episode 27

Sonya Renee Taylor on the Call to Heal
Sonya Renee Taylor, visionary and world-changing author of The Body is Not an Apology, posted a message titled "Transform Yourself So You Can Transform the World" that resonates wit...
Season 2
Episode 26

Your Life Is for You
Why getting selfish about our lives is exactly what we need to build and birth the world of our dreams. Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://ww...
Season 2
Episode 25

Cultivate Reverence and Magic
How cultivating a sense of magic, sacredness, and reverence orients us toward the world of our dreams. Perspectives and practices.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for peace ...
Season 2
Episode 24

Working with Disagreement
Living with disagreement is a needed skill for the world of our dreams, where winning means EVERYONE wins. Reflections and a practice.Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabayFree download! 3 embodied practices for pe...
Season 2
Episode 23

Dreaming Together
This episode explores some of the features of the world of my dreams and invites you into healing your disappointed inner dreamer and giving yourself dream time every day.I mention the book
Season 2
Episode 22

Select Supportive Beliefs
In this episode, I share a few supportive beliefs and how they help me:I am capable of everything needed to create the life of my dreams.I can handle anything life brings me.Everything is working out for the best.What’s best ...
Season 2
Episode 21