Fairy Godmother Daily
A New Awakening is upon us. I see a clear path to the collective creation of the world of OUR dreams, where winning means EVERYONE wins. I help you connect with your place and work in support of this vision.
The Fairy Godmother Daily offers practices and perspectives, prayers and pep talks to connect you with grounded optimism and alignment so you can access your power, joy, freedom, and responsibility to cocreate the conditions of thriving for yourself and everyone around you.
Rosa Carson is a Fairy Godmother and spiritual teacher helping you live your best life by contributing to collective liberation and world peace.
Fairy Godmother Daily
Intuition and Confirmation Bias (Q&A)
I always love hearing from you -- send me a text!
Responding to a friend's question about confirmation bias and intuition, I offer a reframe on confirmation bias and the notion of "objective" reality to empower a more purposeful and magical way of orienting to life.
I refer to this study by Dr. Richard Wiseman on lucky vs. unlucky people.
If you have questions about this episode or any others, email me at rosa@therosatechnique.com or text me at the link above!
Intro and Outro music by Ashot Danielyan from pixabay
Free download! 3 embodied practices for peace and power: https://www.therosatechnique.com/3practices